Hard coated aluminium shock stand offs - low traction - set of 4 (Associated RC8B3)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1809-LT
Hard Aluminium shock stand offs - low traction - set of 4 (Mugen MBX8)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1809-M-LT
Hard Aluminium shock stand offs - standard - set of 4 (Mugen MBX8)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1809-M-STD
Hard coated aluminium shock stand offs - standard - set of 4 (Associated RC8B3)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1809-STD
Titanium lower shock screws for 1/8th- set (Agama, Hobao, Mugen, Tekno, Xray etc)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1810-M3-TI
TRIAD 17mm lightweight wheel nuts - black - 4 pcs (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1811-BLK
TRIAD 17mm lightweight wheel nuts - blue - 4 pcs (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1811-BLU
TRIAD 17mm lightweight wheel nuts - green - 4 pcs (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1811-GRN
TRIAD 17mm lightweight wheel nuts - hard anodised - 4 pcs (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1811-HCA
TRIAD 17mm lightweight wheel nuts - purple - 4 pcs (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1811-PUR
TRIAD 17mm lightweight wheel nuts - red - 4 pcs (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1811-RED
Aluminium rear hub spacers - 4 with Doodad container (Mugen MBX7R, MBX7R-Eco or MBX7TR)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1812-27
Aluminium rear hub spacers - 4 with Doodad container (Associated Rc8B3, RC8B3e, RC8T3 or RC8T3e)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1812-28
Titanium domed droop screws - 4 with Doodad container (All 1/8th scale)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1813
FastTune 0.5mm camber shims - 6 pcs (Associated Rc8B3, RC8B3e, RC8T3, RC8T3e or Mugen MBX7)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1814-05-6
FastTune 1.0mm camber shims - 6 pcs (Associated Rc8B3, RC8B3e, RC8T3, RC8T3e or Mugen MBX7)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1814-10-6
FastTune camber shims - 0.5mm and 1.0mm - 4 pcs each (Associated RC8B4, RC8B4e, Xray XB8 '22 or Mugen MBX8R)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1814-SET