Revolution - high performance bearing kit - 24 pieces (Associated B6D)
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Part No: AV-AE-B6D
Revolution - high performance essentials partial bearing kit - 14 pieces (Associated B6 or B6D)
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Part No: AV-AE-B6E
The Works Revolution - high performance bearing kit - 26 pieces (Associated B6/B6D)
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Part No: AV-AE-B6W
Revolutions - bearing set - 26 pieces (Associated B74.2 or B74.2D)
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Part No: AV-AE-B742
Revolutions - essentials bearing set (Associated B74.2 or B74.2D)
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Part No: AV-AE-B742E
Revolutions - essentials bearing set - 16pcs (Associated B7 or B7D)
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Part No: AV-AE-B7E
Revolutions - high performance bearing kit - 20 pieces (RC10B4.1, B4.2, T4.1, T4.2 and SC10.2)
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Part No: AV-AE-BT412
Revolutions - high performance bearing kit - 26 pieces (Associated DR10)
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Part No: AV-AE-DR10
Revolutions - high performance bearing kit - 20 pieces (Associated DR10M)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV-AE-DR10M
Revolution - high performance bearing kit - 21 pieces (Associated Reflex 14T or 14B)
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Part No: AV-AE-R14T
Revolution - high performance bearing kit - 20 pieces (Associated RC10B3, B4, T3 or T4)
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Part No: AV-AE-RC10BT
Revolution - high performance bearing kit - 16 pieces (Associated RC10 Classic)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV-AE-RC10C
Revolution - high performance bearing kit - 16 pieces (Associated RC10 Championship Edition)
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Part No: AV-AE-RC10CE
Revolution - high performance bearing kit - 20 pieces (Associated RC10 Worlds)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV-AE-RC10WC