Option Parts for Hong Nor vehicles

TRIAD HD machined alloy 1/8th wing buttons - Dual Black and Blue
Avid R/C
Part No: AV10012-DBLU

TRIAD HD machined alloy 1/8th wing buttons - Dual Black and Gold
Avid R/C
Part No: AV10012-DGLD

Black anodised 1/8th alloy wing buttons - pr (all 1/8th buggies and truggies) (b)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1805-B

Blue anodised 1/8th alloy wing buttons - pr (all 1/8th buggies and truggies) (D)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1805-BLU

Hard anodised 1/8th alloy wing buttons - pr (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1805-HA

Red anodised 1/8th alloy wing buttons - pr (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1805-RED

TRIAD 17mm lightweight wheel nuts - black - 4 pcs (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1811-BLK

TRIAD 17mm lightweight wheel nuts - blue - 4 pcs (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1811-BLU

TRIAD 17mm lightweight wheel nuts - green - 4 pcs (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1811-GRN

TRIAD 17mm lightweight wheel nuts - hard anodised - 4 pcs (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1811-HCA

TRIAD 17mm lightweight wheel nuts - purple - 4 pcs (all 1/8th buggies and truggies)
Avid R/C
Part No: AV1811-PUR